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By Antos | January 30, 2024
Fish for your dog? A healthy step!

Fish for your dog? A healthy step!

Premium fish treats create excitement

Are dogs allowed to eat fish? A question we see come up regularly. Well, fish snacks for your dog can actually be super healthy! Besides an irresistible taste, they contain plenty of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, easily digestible proteins that ensure healthy skin and coat, plenty of protein and vitamins, and some fish snacks even reduce tartar and plaque in your dog's teeth. But note that not all fish is always good for dogs. In this article, we'd like to tell you a bit more about that.

Can a dog eat salmon, tuna or herring?

In principle, a dog can eat salmon, tuna and herring. These types of fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, among others, which are a good addition to your dog's nutrients, but there are also a few things to consider. 
With salmon, for instance, it is important that the fish is well cooked and that it is not smoked or seasoned salmon. Tuna should not contain any added oil and, in the case of herring, make sure there are no sharp bones left in it. Only feed your dog these fish in moderation and as a snack, not as a meal. This is because too much fish can lead to an unbalanced diet. It is also always important to prepare the fish properly, for example to kill any parasites. A safe and healthy choice are always the Antos fish snacks especially for dogs. A wide selection of these include the products of FishD'light.

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Dried fish for dogs

A 100% natural and tasty snack is dried fish for dogs. For example, dried anchovies is an ideal little snack as well as a particularly healthy source of protein and omega-3. And dried capelin is also highly recommended as a healthy snack for any breed of dog.

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The 7 most popular fish snacks for dogs

At Antos, we sell a wide variety of fish snacks especially for dogs from different types of fish. So we know exactly which snacks are in demand by which dogs (and therefore popular with their owners). We'll highlight the top seven for you:
  1. Dried Anchovies: these tasty fish are a healthy source of valuable fatty acids and protein. They are quite easy to chew, making them extremely suitable for small and medium-sized dogs.
  2. Cod Sticks: these light sticks are sourced from the North Sea and then immediately dried, which ensures that the flavour remains optimal. Cod is packed with protein, vitamins and minerals that will contribute positively to your dog's health. 
  3. Surimi Crab & Tuna: this combination of crab and tuna goes down very well with many dogs! They are packed with phosphorus and essential vitamins and omegas to keep your dog's skin glowing. The medium hardness makes the snack perfect for any adult dog. 
  4. Plaice Sticks: these light sticks are made of 100% edible plaice skins. They are tasty, have a fine texture and are a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Ideal for both small and large dogs.
  5. Tuna Strips: these irresistible soft tuna bars are ideal for dogs with sensitive stomachs or allergies. You can give them to small or large dogs of all ages. 
  6. Salmon Skin: made of 100% salmon skin, this snack ensures healthy gums and extra-clean teeth. The medium hardness makes this snack suitable for both large and small dogs. 
  7. Capelin: these little dried capelin fish should definitely not be missing from this list of popular fish snacks for dogs. Sourced directly from the Atlantic Ocean, they are packed with important omega fatty acids and are suitable for all types of dogs, both puppy and senior. 

Want to know more about fish dog snacks?

Still want to know a little more about the right fish snacks for your dog? Ask us your question or take a look at all our fish products for dogs from Antos. With each product, you will find the most relevant information about its specific features.

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